Jayne’s Trifle

(from Jayne Zebrowski)

2 small boxes French vanilla pudding mix (instant)
2 large bananas
1 can pineapple chunks, drained
2 small cans mandarin orange sections, drained
1 Chock Full o’ Nuts Pound Cake
16 oz. Cool Whip topping, defrosted in refrigerator overnight
Light rum
Blackberry Brandy

  1. Prepare vanilla pudding per package directions. Use low speed for three minutes.
  2. Drain fruit and stir in carefully.
  3. Slice bananas.
  4. There will be two layers of each ingredient; so, by eye, use just half of each the first time around.
  5. Start with a layer of cake. About half of the cake, broken in thirds going up sides of bowl is okay on this layer.
  6. Sprinkle cake pieces liberally with rum and brandy. Add layer of pudding and then add a layer of Cool Whip, smoothed over.
  7. Repeat layers once more.
  8. May garnish top layer of Cool Whip with a mint cherry tree, using fresh mint and maraschino cherries, or try some other imaginative garnish.

This recipe has been kitchen tested.

If you have more time on your hands or, happily, lots of fresh strawberries,another wonderful recipe for trifle comes from our old friend and neighbor in Baltimore,Katie Allen -click here to see recipe for Katie’s Strawberry CrownTrifle.

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