Terrinede Porc, Veau, et Jambon

Ahead of time note:  Marinatingthe veal strips takes 2 to 3 hours so start that process first.  Then proceed to make the pork and veal stuffing.  Youwill need a 2-quartterrine.*

½  poundlean veal, from the round, or filet,

cut into strips¼-inch thick, 4″ long

2or 3 canned truffles cut into ¼ -inch dice, with their juice

3to 4 tablespoons cognac

¼ teaspoon salt

¼ teaspoon pepper

¼ teaspoon thyme

¼ teaspoon allspice

1tablespoon finely minced shallots

Marinatethe veal and truffles + truffle juice in a bowl with the cognac and seasonings. Before using, drain the strips, and reserve the marinade.

Pork and Veal Stuffing (farce) for Paté:

For about 4 cups–

½cup very finely minced onions

2tablespoons butter

½ cup port or cognac

¾ pound  (about 1½ cups) each, lean pork and lean veal

           plus  ½  pound (about 1 cup) fresh pork fat, all finely groundtogether

2lightly beaten eggs

1½  teaspoons salt

1/8teaspoon pepper

Bigpinch of allspice

½ teaspoon  thyme

1clove mashed garlic


Cook the onions slowly with the butter in a small skillet for 8 to 10 minutesuntil they are tender and translucent but not browned.  Scrape them into a large mixing bowl. 

Pour the wine into the skillet and boil it down until reduced by half. Scrape it into the mixing bowl. 

Add the rest of the ingredients, and beat vigorously with a wooden spoon untilthe mixture has lightened in texture and is thoroughly blended. Sauté a smallspoonful and taste. 

Then beat in whatever additions you feel are necessary. 

Refrigerate stuffing if you will not be using it immediately.

Molding the paté:

Preheatthe oven to 350 degrees F.

Thisrecipe makesabout 7 cups > use an 8-cup rectangular or oval terrine or loaf pan (=2-quartterrine).

Blanchedfat bacon

1/2lb. lean boiled ham cut into

  strips 1/4-inch thick

1bay leaf


Line the bottom and sides of the terrine with the pork fat or bacon. Beat marinade into stuffing.

Dividestuffing into three parts.  Dip yourhands in cold water, and arrange the first third of the stuffing in the bottomof the terrine. 

Coverwith half the strips of marinated veal alternating with half the strips of ham. Sprinkle half of the diced truffles over the meat slices. Cover with the second third of the stuffing, and a final layer of vealand ham strips, and the rest of the truffles. Spread on the last of the meat stuffing.  Cover with a sheet of pork fat or bacon strips and lay a bayleaf on top of that.


Baking the pate:

Enclosethe top of the terrine with aluminum foil, cover

with a heavy lid and set in a pan of boiling water. The water

should come about halfway up the outside of the terrine;

add boiling water during cooking, as necessary. 

Set in lower third of preheated oven and bake for about 1 1/2

hours depending on the shape of the terrine; a long loaf

will cook faster than a round or oval shape. 

The pate is done when it has shrunk slightly from the

sides of the terrine, and the surrounding fat and juices

are clear yellow with no traces of rosy color.

Coolingand chilling:

Takethe terrine from the water and set it on a plate. 

Remove lid, and on top of the foil covering the pate put a

piece of wood, a pan, or a casserole which will just fit

into the terrine.  On or in it,place a 3- to 4-lb. weight

or parts of a meat grinder; this will pack the pate into the

terrine so there will be no air spaces in the meat. Allow

the pate to cool at room temperature for several hours or

overnight.  Then chill it, stillweighted down.


Unmoldthe pâté and serve it on aplatter, slicing down through it with a good, sharp knife. 


Theabove recipe can become a Game Paté  quiteeasily.  Use 1 pound (about 2 cups) boneless raw game instead of the veal strips and hamstrips in the preceding pâté.

This recipe has been kitchen tested; it may seem involved butconsidering it has to be made a few days ahead, it is a wonderful appetizer, holiday-partyitem, which is all ready to go on the day of your party; or easy to transport tosomeone else’s.  (Recipe loosely adapted from early Julia Child cookbook.)

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