a favorite of the whole family  

Plan your day so you will not need your oven for anythingelse. You are going to roast the beef in the morning for one hour. You must leave it inthe oven all day, and the oven door must not be opened.   Originally passed along to us by the Maine branch of thefamily, whichthey adapted from Keep Cooking – The Maine Way byMarjorie Standish, this is indeed a


One standing rib roast of beef, any number of pounds
Salt and pepper
There are TWO STEPS to be followed in preparation.


IMPORTANT: Let the roast stand at room temperature for one hour before placing it inthe oven.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Rub roast with salt and pepper, place on rack in shallowpan, RIB SIDE DOWN. Roast for one hour at 375 degrees. After the hour, turn the ovenswitch OFF. DO NOT OPEN THE OVEN DOOR. The larger the roast, the longer time it continuesto cook after the oven is turned off.


About 30 to 40 minutes before serving time, again turn oven to preheatoven to 375° F. Roast an additional 30 to 40 minutes.
*This is a FOOLPROOF method for rare roast beef.  But do notdespair, if you prefer medium or well done roast beef, just add 15 minutes to 20 minutesto this step. (Step Two)

Do not open the oven door from the time you place roast in oven until you areready to serve the roast. I used to place a non-marring tape,crisscrossedacross the oven door to discourage kitchen browsers who were not used to this approach tocooking prime ribs. 

A suggestion, remove roast 15 minutes before dinner is served, then the juices of theroast will be absorbed, giving you an even better roast.


In Vermont, I have done this in the GE (electric) oven for both an 11 (5-rib roast) andan 11 3/4 (5-rib roast) piece of beef–results were fine for both. Take out ofrefrigerator first thing in the morning, i.e. by 8 AM, to come to room temperature. Beginpreheating oven at 10 AM. Set Vermont (GE) oven at 385 degrees F. Put roast in at 11 AMand turn oven off at 12:15 PM. Turn oven back on at 7 PM, let it be on until 7:45 and thenremove roast from oven and let sit for 15 minutes. Cook baking potatoes at 400° F inconvection oven from 6:30 PM to 8 PM.  Bottom line, the Vermont oven cooks a bitunder temp.

This method works with a three-rib roast as well as with a five- to six-rib roast.

In Connecticut, I have done this in the Thermador (electric) oven and used the sameapproach but set oven at the temperatures recommended in the recipe as originally given tome by SWK, i.e. 375° F. Cook baking potatoes at 400° F. in smaller Wolf oven from 6:30PM to 8 PM.

This recipe has been kitchen tested.


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