Another favorite, quiche-type creation — really a good lunch at the ski condo, but anytime you have a mushroom fan around, this would be a good dish to serve —



(Can be made with regular pie crust, i.e. Tootie’s for one-crust pie, or with the recipe below for a press-in crust containing Swiss cheese, which is the crust recommended for filling below.)


1 cup all-purpose flour
6 tablespoons chilled butter, sliced 1/4-inch thick
½ cup  shredded aged Swiss cheese
¼ cup sour cream


I tablespoon butter or vegetable oil
2 small garlic cloves, minced
1 pound fresh brown (Cremini) or white mushrooms, cleaned
1 ½  cups shredded ages Swiss or Emmentaler cheese
 1 teaspoon salt (optional)
½ cup light cream or milk
2 eggs, lightly beaten

Preheat oven to 425° F.

For the crust, measure the flour into a large bowl. Cut in the butter until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Blend in the cheese and sour cream until the mixture resembles moist crumbs. Press the crust into a 9-inch glass or porcelain quiche pan or pie pan. Bake crust for IO minutes or until lightly browned.

For the filling, heat the butter in a heavy skillet, add the garlic and stir over low heat for 2 minutes. Add 8 mushroom caps to the pan and cook just until glazed, 1 to 2 minutes; remove them and reserve. Slice the remaining mushrooms with stems and add to the pan. Cook and stir until the mushrooms are browned and any released liquid has evaporated. Sprinkle half the cheese over the baked crust. Top the cheese with the mushrooms, then the remaining cheese. Mix the salt, cream and eggs, and pour into the pan, covering the ingredients evenly.

Bake at 425° F.  for 25 to 30 minutes or until a knife inserted just off center comes out clean. About 5 minutes before removing the pie from the oven, place the reserved mushroom caps on top of the pie, spacing them evenly around the edge. Serve the pie hot or at room temperature.

The pie can be baked a day ahead, refrigerated, and warmed in a 300° F. for 10 minutes before serving.  In that case, wait until serving day to add the reserved mushroom caps, just placing them evenly around the edge before placing the pie in the oven to warm it.




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