Fun Summer for Klocks:

Ernie and Jayne hosted their fifth annual Frog and Lobster Fest on August 28, 2004 —

We were lucky to join Ernie & Jayne for the annual gathering

(to see some more photos from another fest, click on this line)

Before that, there was a week of R&R in Caymans with Jenny & Anson

Happy trio, Anson, Jenny & Poppy after Hurricane Charley passed us by.



FOMP Dive Club, Washington D. C.
Jenny & Anson join us at Lighthouse at The Breakers,  a favorite lunch spot on Grand Cayman. 

(Considering the hurricane damage just a few weeks later — we were especially lucky!)

And, then, it’s back for some R&R at the beach — what a life!
Perfect spot for Peter to work on photography skills.


Even doing business can be R&R in such a setting!

Also can be fun in Boston — Poppy & Fil at Joe Tecce’s.



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