3 tablespoons  margarine, chicken fat or bacon fat
1 head red cabbage, shredded
1 small ham knuckle *

2 onions, thinly sliced

2 apples, peeled, cored and sliced
½  cup red currant jelly
1 bay leaf

½  teaspoon salt
¼  cup water

⅓  cup vinegar

1. Heat fat in electric skillet that has a tight-fitting lid.

2. Add cabbage and remaining ingredients, except vinegar. Bring to a boil and reduce heat; cook at low heat about 2 hours.

3. Add vinegar just before serving; remove bay leaf.


*Note: Any bone as ham, lamb shank, or plate boiling beef can be substituted for ham knuckle.

If you have no electric skillet but do have an oven free, try Sheila Vickers’ Red Cabbage with Marrons & Bacon.

You can find the above recipe(s) by tapping here on the Home Cookin’ index.


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