a Home Cookin’classic California Shish Kabob
Nancy made the cooking section of the local newspaper (Manchester Herald) twice, once for this recipe, another time for her huge, huge-lobsterbakes. Enjoy.
1 leg of lamb, cut into cubes
Bacon (1 pound makes 40 pieces), precooked slightly
Small white onions, peeled
Cherry tomatoes
Green pepper, cut into quarters or sixths, depending on pepper’s size
Fresh mushrooms (large enough to skewer without cracking)
1. Marinade lamb cubes in sauce, see recipe below, for at least four hours. Draincubes, reserving marinade. When drained from cubes, marinade may be frozen awhile forreuse.
2. Precook bacon slightly, leaving it limp enough to wrap around the cubes of meat. Wrap bacon around lamb and alternate on skewers with other ingredients. Start and end withlamb cubes.
3. Barbecue to your taste.
Hint: If you do not like cooked tomatoes, use a mix of red and green peppers andserve tomatoes on the side. If you do not like undercooked onions, you can parboilthese rapidly. Another approach is to cook bacon-wrapped meat cubes on a skewerseparately from the vegetables. Just means you cannot serve each diner his or herown skewer, the traditional approach.
(Amounts listed below yield about 3 ½ cups marinade.)
1 ½ cup salad oil
3/4 cup soy sauce
¼ cup Worcestershire Sauce
1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
½ cup wine vinegar
1/3 cup sherry
2 garlic cloves, pressed
½ teaspoon oregano
1 ½ teaspoons dried parsley flakes
2 tablespoons dry mustard
2 ¼ teaspoons salt
1 tablespoon coarsely ground black pepper
Click here to see a photo of Nancy building a shish kabob.
This recipe has been kitchen tested.
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