SANGRIA (adapted from a recipe appearing in a Williams-Sonoma catalog)
1 bottle full-bodied Beaujolais
¼ cup Grand Marnier or Cointreau liqueur
2 tablespoons brandy
¼ cup orange juice
1 to 2 tablespoons sugar
6 thin orange slices, cut in half
½ peach or other seasonal fruit,cut in thin wedges
1 (10-ounce) bottle sparkling water
Combine all ingredients, except sparkling water, in a covered container and refrigeratefor 4-to-6 hours. Add sparkling water and serve very cold in sangria pitcher with icecontainer or in plain pitcher with ice cubes.
SANGRIA (adapted from booklet, Cookingof Spain and Portugal, Time-Life Series)
½ lemon cut into ¼ -inch slices
½ orange,cut into ¼ -inch slices
½ largeapple, cut in half lengthwise, cored, and cut into thin wedges
¼ cup superfine sugar
1 bottle dry, red wine, preferably imported Spanish wine
2 ounces (¼ -cup) brandy
Club soda, chilled
Ice cubes (optional)
Combine the lemon, orange, apple and
¼-cup sugar in a large pitcher.
Pour in the wine and brandy and stir with a long-handled spoon until well mixed.Refrigerate for at least I hour or until thoroughly chilled.
Just before serving, pour in chilled club soda to taste, adding up to 24 ounces of thesoda. Stir again, and serve at once in chilled wine glasses. Or the glasses may be filledwith ice cubes before adding the sangria.
SANGRIA (adapted from a recipe in Gourmet Magazine, 1971)
Slice I lemon, I lime and I orange. Put slices in a large pitcher.
Add 4 ounces brandy mixed with
¼ cup superfine sugar. Let standat room temperature for one hour.
Add 1 bottle dry, red wine and 2 tablespoons lemon juice.
Stir thoroughly and let stand at room temperature for at least I hour.
Just before serving, add ice cubes and fill the pitcher with soda water. Stir brisklyuntil it is very cold and serve it in chilled glasses.
Serves 4.
These recipes have been kitchen tested.
Editor’s Note: The above Sangria recipes are traditional–all three are made with dry, red wine. If anyone has a suggestion for a Sangria recipe made with a dry, white wine, I would appreciate your sending it along. Just click on the @ symbol below.
Several years after posting above request in 2005, in July 2008, received the following note from a reader:
Hi Sue,When I first went to Spain in 1957 we were served Sangria made with a combination of both white wine and red wine. Any kind of wine for both white and red are good. I think the combination not only makes a tastier drink but is also much prettier than just plain red or white Sangria.We had it with all kinds of fruit so whatever you have on hand is fine. They mashed up some of the fruit and left the remainder whole. Rather than mashing some of the fruit, you could just add orange and lemon or lime juice in small portions. Taste and if not sweet enough add to the pitcher about 1/4 c. fine grain sugar (or to taste depending on the dryness of the wines you use) and chill. When ready to serve add one bottle of chilled soda (I find ginger ale too sweet to use) and stir.There are so many recipes for Sangria and all depend on your preference. Experiment until you find the right combination for your taste.Good luck. FayeAlso, since posting the request in 2005, I have added a recipe for a white sangria. Click here on White Sangria for that.
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