A family favorite, adaptedfrom an early edition of  The Joy of Cooking

Best served with hot or cold ham.

Raisin Beer Sauce


¼ cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 ½ tablespoons cornstarch
Pinch salt

Stir in:

1 cup “stale” (=take the cap off an hour or so ahead of using) beer
¼ cup raisins (use currants, if you have them; don’t bother to go buy them for this)

In a spice ball, tea ball, or cheesecloth bag, place

            8 whole cloves
            1 two-inch stick cinnamon

Cook and stir for about 10 minutes.  Then add:

             1 tablespoon butter

Remove the spices.
Serve the sauce very hot; it congeals as it cools.

Yield:  About 1 ½ cups

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