Pumpkin Spice Cake  (made ina rosette pan)

8 tablespoons (1stick) chilled, unsalted butter, softened                                                           
1 ½ cups firmly packed brown sugar
2 eggs, lightly beaten
2 cups cake flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground ginger
½ teaspoon ground cloves
½ teaspoon mace
½ cup milk
1 cup canned or fresh pumpkin puree
½ chopped pecans or walnuts
Confectioners’ sugar,for dusting.

Preheat oven to 375° F.   Butter a rosette pan.*
In the bowl of an electric mixer, beat  butteruntil creamy. Gradually add brown sugar and beat on high speed until creamy andno longer granular, 6-7 min. Add eggs a little at a time, and continue beatinguntil light and fluffy, 3-4 min. more. Sift together flour, baking powder,baking soda, salt, cinnamon, ginger,  clovesand mace onto a sheet of waxed paper; sift again. Fold one-third of dryingredients into butter mixture, then half the milk and half the pumpkin; siftagain. Fold in remaining one-third of dryingredients and the nuts until thoroughly blended. Pour batter into prepared panand bake until cake springs back when touched and pulls away from sides of pan,35-40 min. Let cake cool 5-10 min., then remove from pan. Transfer cake to awire rack and let cool 1 hr. Dust with confectioners’ sugar beforeserving. 
Yield:  Serves 12.

The recommended pan is an 11” ten-cup LaForme pan, calleda “rosette” pan.  LaForme’solder version of the rosette pan is 12” but holds just 5 cups. This recipe is “designed” to go into the larger capacity pan. Use any pan you have that will hold that amount and adjust the bakingtime to whatever degree necessary.
[Adaptedfor use with the deep Swiss-style, rosette pan from The Fanny FarmerBaking Book, by Marion Cunningham (Alfred A. Knopf, 1984)]

For another cake which can be made in this pancheck the recipe for Sour Cream Coffee Cake.

This recipe has been kitchen tested.

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