fluffy butterfrosting

1/3 cup soft butter
4 cups sifted confectioners’  sugar
1/8 teaspoon  salt    
3-4 Tbsp. milk

1½teaspoon vanilla

Place plastic mixing blade into mixing container. Processsoftened butter for 1 minute.
Add sugar, salt, milk, and vanilla and process for two minutes.
Stop, unplug unit and scrape down sides of mixing container whenever needed.
Yield: Frosting to fill and frost 2 (8 or 9 inch)layers

Variation:  fluffy maplefrosting: Omit vanilla from Fluffy Butter Frosting and addI teaspoon maple flavoring, or splurge and use some real maple syrup insteadjust milk, to taste.


fudge frosting

4 squaresunsweetened chocolate
½ cup butter
½ cup milk       

1½teaspoon vanilla
4 cups confectioners’ sugar, sifted

Melt chocolate and butter over hot, not boiling water, intop of a double boiler. Place plastic mixing blade into mixing container. Siftconfectioners’ sugar into mixing container.
Add milk, vanilla, melted butterand chocolate and process until smooth and well blended.
Stop, unplug unit, and scrape down sides of mixing container whenever necessary.
Yield: Frosting to fill and frost 2 (8 or 9 inch) layers

These recipes have been kitchen tested.

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