Piña Colada Cake
1 box white cake mix (without pudding in the mix)
1 (8-ounce) can cream of coconut (available in supermarket liquor section)
1 (16-ounce) can crushed pineapple
8 ounces whipped cream
¼ package coconut, toasted
Bake the cake in a 9-by-13-inch pan according to the package directions.
Remove cake from oven and immediately punch holes in it with the handle of a wooden spoon.While the cake is hot, pour the cream of coconut over the entire surface. Spoon alayer of crushed pineapple over the cake. Cool the cake.
Spread the whipped cream over the cake and garnish with toasted coconut and put in therefrigerator. (Consider using Cool Whip. A handy alternative to real whipped cream, whichsometimes holds its own longer and better. (cf recipe for JaynesTrifle.)
This dessert is best when made 24 hours In advance.
Note: This dessert is best when made 24 hours Inadvance. Thus, it is a great make-ahead dessert, and easy as a breeze a light, easyto make cake, perfect in the warm Hawaiian climate, or, in New England, good to serve on awarm summer evening. This recipe for Piña Colada Cake is originally from a woman employedas a cook in a Honolulu household.
You might want to compare this to another piña colada cake, called piñacolada party cake, more frequently made in our household. Both are worthy!
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