An old favorite from friends, Bill and Dougie McKereghan




3 tablespoons butter

3 tablespoons finely chopped onion

¼  cup flour

1 tablespoon paprika

3 medium-size tomatoes, coarsely chopped

            (about 3 ½  cups)

Salt and freshly ground pepper

2 tablespoons sour cream


1.       Melt two tablespoons butter; add onion.  Simmer until onion is wilted and stir in flour and paprika.  Stir in the tomatoes and add salt and pepper to taste.  Simmer 15 minutes, stirring frequently.

2.       Put the sauce through the finest strainer possible or use a food mill.  Remove the sauce from the heat and stir in the sour cream.  Swirl in the remaining butter and  serve hot.


Yield:  About three cups.

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