an old family favorite, dating back to 1980

Paprika Beef Stew

3 pounds chuck or top round of beef, cut into one-and-one-half-inch cubes
⅓ pound peanut, vegetable or corn oil
Salt and freshly ground pepper
3 cups coarsely chopped onions
1 tablespoon finely chopped garlic
4 teaspoons sweet, mild, or hot paprika, depending on individual taste
            (I usually mix half hot and half sweet)
1 tablespoon caraway seeds
1 tablespoon marjoram
1 can fresh or canned red, ripe tomatoes
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1 cup beef broth (preferably homemade, but at least low-sodium)
4 sweet green and/or red bell peppers

Heat the oil in a large casserole or Dutch oven.  Add the cubed beef and cook, stirring often.  When the meat is partly browned, add salt and pepper to taste.

Add onions and cook until translucent.  Add the garlic and stir.  Add paprika, caraway seeds and marjoram.  Cook about 10 minutes.

Add the tomatoes, tomato paste and beef broth.  Bring to the boil and cover.  Simmer slowly about one hour.  If necessary, add more broth as the stew cooks.

Split the peppers in half.  Remove the seeds and cores.  Cut each pepper half lengthwise into four strips.  Scatter the pepper strips on top of the stew and cover.  Cook up to one hour more.  (Preferring slightly crispy pepper strips, usually we cook this only about 15 minutes more, but it is not crucial.)

Yield:  4 to 6 servings.

This recipe has been kitchen tested.

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