A simple recipe for sweet potatoes* which takesabout one-half hour, including peeling time, and goes straight from anall-in-one-pan-cooking process to the table.

Maple-GlazedSweet Potatoes

2 pounds sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons maple syrup (may substitute brown sugar, if necessary)
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1/3 cup water

Combine all ingredients in a saucepan, cover and place overmedium heat.  When boiling, reduceheat to low, and continue to cook, stirring or shaking pan every 5 minutes,until sweet potatoes are very tender, about 20 to 30 minutes. Add additional water, if mixture cooks away. Serve hot. 

Yield:  Makesabout 4 servings.

*Sweet Potatoesor Yams? 

Actually North American sweet potatoes are neither potatoesnor yams.  Sweet potatoes sold inthe USA are roots, not tubers, as are white potatoes; furthermore,  true“yams” are not grown to sell in markets in the United States. The Caribbeanregion produces many varieties of yams, which all have a thick skin, almost likebark, and are more starchy tasting than North American sweet potatoes whencooked..

Sweet potatoes show up in two basic varieties in NorthAmerican markets.  Darker-skinnedones have more orange flesh (more beta carotene = more orange) and a highersugar content, which makes them a good choice for caramelizing.  Lighter-skinned ones have more starch, thus are a good choicefor a baking “potato.”  Servedplain, a sweet potato is cholesterol-free and fat-free. Of course, dressing them up as we tend to do negates those attributes.

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