4  tablespoons (½ stick) butter       
3  cups thinly sliced onions      
3  pounds shoulder of veal cut into 1-1/2″ cubes
1 ½ tablespoon paprika (mixture of sweet and hot)        

1 teaspoon salt

1 cup hot beef broth

1 cup green pepper strips

1 cup peeled, diced tomatoes

½ teaspoon caraway seeds

½ cup sour cream

Melt the butter in a Dutch oven or heavy saucepan and brown the onions and meat over medium heat, stirring to brown all sides.

Add the paprika, salt, and the broth; cover and cook over low heat 30 minutes.
Add the green peppers, tomatoes, and caraway seeds.  Re-cover and cook 30 minutes longer or until tender.  Watch carefully and add a little boiling water if necessary.

Blend in the sour cream, taste for seasoning.

Serve with boiled egg noodles.


YIELD:  Serves 6-8.


(Adapted from our old favorite, The Complete Round-The-World Meat Cookbook.)

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