What Makes Horseradish Hot?

Horseradish is a member of the mustard family (sharing lineage with itsgentler cousins, kale, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts and the common radish) andis cultivated for its thick, fleshy white roots.

The bite and aroma of the horseradish root are almost absent until it isgrated or ground. During this process, as the root cells are crushed, volatileoils known as isothiocyanate are released. Vinegar stops this reaction andstabilizes the flavor. For milder horseradish, vinegar is added immediately.

this is a simple processadapted from the “Ball Blue Book” — 
Freshly Grated Horseradish
    Wash scrape and grate fresh horseradish roots.  Fillpint jars two-thirds full with the grated horseradish.  Fill the jars tothe top with vinegar.  Seal jars and store away from the light.

This recipe has been kitchen tested

Double click here if you would like to see a quick recipe forcreamy horseradish


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