Bill & Dougie McKereghan’s Holiday Coffee Cake

1 cup butter
1 cup sugar
4 eggs
4 cups sifted flour
½  teaspoon  salt
4 tsp. baking powder
1 cup milk
½  cup raisins
¼  cup chopped dates
¼  cup chopped candied orange peel *
¼  cup chopped citron*
1 cup confectioners’ sugar
¼  teaspoon almond extract

* (may substitute ½ cup mixed candied fruits for the orange peel and citron)

Preheat oven to 350° F.   Grease an angel-food-cake pan.

Cream butter and sugar together; add eggs, one at a time.  Combine dry ingredients (flour, salt and baking powder) and add to creamed mixture alternately with the milk.

Combine fruits; flour with about 1 tsp. flour and add to above mixture.

Bake, in a greased, angel-food cake pan,  at 350° F. for 1 hour.

Frost, while still warm, with a glaze made by combining:

            1 cup confectioners’ sugar

            2 tablespoons. very hot water

            ¼  teaspoon almond extract



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