Overnight Egg Sausage Bake


1 cup Bisquick Original baking mix

1 cup shredded cheddar cheese (4 ozs.)

2 cups milk

1 teaspoon Coleman’s (or, some suitable substitute) dry mustard, ground

½ teaspoon dried orégano leaves

6 eggs, slightly beaten

1 pound bulk pork sausage, cooked and drained*


*Feel free to use turkey sausage, or to use a hotter or milder sausage depending on your guests’ and family’s preferences.


  1. Mix all ingredients in large bowl.  Cover and refrigerate at least 8 hours or overnight.

  2. Heat oven to 350° F. Grease 2-quart casserole.  Pour egg mixture into casserole.

  3. Bake uncovered about 1 hour or until knife inserted n center comes out clean. 


Yield:  6 servings.

This dish is very good with cranberry streusel muffins and freshly squeezed orange and/or grapefruit juice.


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