aka Kim Bennet contributed thisrecipe to a progressive, dinner put together for millenniums 2000 by romanceauthors published by Avon Books.  I love her approach so much, I am goingto go find one of her books —

This is Karen’scomment about the date cookie recipe:  here is the recipe for my favoriteholiday cookies, right from the kitchen of Grandma Hawkins, who makes BettyCrocker look like a short order cook.  MyGrandma called this recipe her fool-proof (should I read something into that?),no-mess (yep, I should read something into that) Date Cookies. 

(makes 5 dozen cookies)


1/2 cup butter ormargarine
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt

Preheat oven to 400° F.   Cream together butter and sugars.  Add egg and vanilla; beat well.  Sift together dry ingredients; stir into creamed mixture.  Chill.  Divide dough in half.  Make Date Filling.

Date Filling:

1 pound pitteddates
1/2 cup of granulated sugar
1/2 cup of water
1/2 cup of finely chopped walnuts

In saucepan,combine 1 pound pitted and cut up dates, sugar, and water.  Cook and stirtill mixture boils and thickens slightly.  Cool.  Just before using,add walnuts.

On lightlyfloured surface, roll one part of dough in 12 x 8-inch rectangle, about 1/4 inchthick.  Spread half of Date Filling over dough.  Beginning at longedge, roll like jelly roll.   Repeat with remaining dough.  Wraprolls in waxed paper.  Chill several hours.  Slice 1/4 inch thick andbake on greased cookie sheet at 400° F. for 8 minutes.  


A friendly wordof warning from Karen; these things are addictive. She remembers sitting underthe table at her grandmother’s, cramming these suckers in her mouth so her mean,evil sister wouldn’t get any.  And that was just last year.  

To see another date cookie recipe from our family, click here on DateBars.

This recipe has been kitchen tested.

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