Take your pick — there are subtle  variations, but any of these are excellent cake toppings–




8 ounces cream cheese

6 tablespoons soft, sweet butter

1 tsp. vanilla extract

2 to 2 ½  cups confectioners’ sugar


Combine ingredients and beat until smooth and creamy.


{May also use less cream cheese [3 oz. pkg.] and more butter [8 tablespoons (1 stick)] with the same amount of sugar.  Proportions are very flexible.}




1 package  (8 ounces) cream cheese, softened

¼  cup butter or margarine

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

½  teaspoon grated orange peel

3 cups confectioners’ sugar

Beat cream cheese, butter, vanilla and peel in mixer bowl until light and smooth.  Beat in confectioners’ sugar.

Spread one third of the icing on 1 cake layer on serving plate and top with second cake layer.  Frost top and sides with remaining icing.  Garnish with toasted nuts, if desired.



The traditional icing for Carrot Cake; it is an excellent, not-too-sweet topping for many cakes: chocolate, spice or nut, for example.

Quantity: 2 1/2 cups, enough for an 8- or 9-inch 2 layer cake, or a 9-inch tube cake, or a 9 x 13-inch sheet cake


8 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature

8 tablespoons lightly salted butter, at room temperature

1 ½  teaspoons vanilla extract

4 cups sifted confectioners’ sugar (14 ounces)


In bowl of food processor, using metal blade, or using electric mixer, blend the cream cheese and butter together until very smooth and creamy.  Beat in the vanilla.  Gradually add the sifted sugar, beating until smooth.  The longer you beat, the softer the frosting will become.  When soft enough to be spread, frost the cake. 




8-ounce package cream cheese, softened

2 ½ cups powdered sugar

6 tablespoons butter, softened

2 tsp. vanilla

1 cup coconut

½  cup chopped nuts


In large bowl, combine cream cheese, powdered sugar, butter and 2 teaspoons vanilla; beat until smooth.  Stir in coconut and ½  cup nuts. 


CREAM CHEESE FROSTING with Toasted Coconut


1 3-oz. pkg. cream cheese,                    1 tablespoon milk

            softened                                    ½  teaspoon vanilla

1/4 cup butter, softened                          1 cup toasted coconut

3 cups confectioners’ sugar                                               (optional)


Cream together the cream cheese and butter. 

Add confectioners’ sugar, milk, vanilla and most of the toasted coconut.

Let cake cool completely and spread frosting on top. 

Decorate top with remaining toasted coconut, if desired.


Variation:  Substitute 1 teaspoon of lemon zest for the vanilla and 1/2 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice for the milk will produce a nice lemony frosting.



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