Crabcakes by Williams

 (from a former neighbor  in Baltimore; a true Baltimoron,the “Lord Mayor” of Abell Avenue.)

2 slices bread–crusts removed–cubed

1 teaspoon garlic salt

1 teaspoon prepared mustard

2 teaspoons parsley

2 teaspoons Worcestershire Sauce

3 tablespoons mayonnaise

1 egg, well-beaten

7-8 drops Tabasco Sauce

1 pound crabmeat–Maryland is desirablebut North Carolina will do



Mix meat with bread and all other ingredients, adding thebeaten egg last.  Fry in butter or agood margarine for ten minutes or until golden.  May be stored for weeks in the freezer after cooking butshould not be kept in the refrigerator for more than a few days.


One should try to get eight crabcakes from the aboverecipe, and, since they are so filling, one batch should be ample for threepeople and satisfying for four.

This recipe has / has not been kitchen tested.


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