ClottedCream and Mock (Devonshire) Clotted Cream
This recipe for clotted cream and mock clotted cream appear in SallySwofford’s (the Seattle Scone Girl) commentary about accompaniments forscones.
Sally’s recipe for clotted cream:
Gently heat unpasteurized milk until a layer of cream forms on the surface. After cooling down, surface cream is removed and used as a spread for scones-hence the naming of the traditional “cream tea.” If you can find Devonshire Cream at your favorite gourmet market, usually in the deli department, you are in luck If not, the following is a simple substitute, which I call “Mock Clotted Cream.
Mock (Devonshire) Clotted Cream
1/2 cup heavy (sweet) cream
1/4 cup sour cream.
Whipthe sweet cream until stiff. Rapidly add the sour cream to the whippedcream, beating it in thoroughly but quickly. Place cream mixture in aserving bowl and chill until ready to serve. Use as a butter substitute onscones with jam or lemon curd.
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