If Frosty is weaving, use the second recipe, which has no alcohol added.


Frosty’s big hint for all you chocoholics — strawberries make good dippers.

Fondue Au Chocolat (serves 6)
9 ounces Swiss milk chocolate, broken into pieces
½ cup whipping cream
Combine ingredients in a fondue pot or chafing dish.  Stir over very low
heat until chocolate is melted and mixture is smooth. 
Serve with a variety of “dippers.” (Don’t forget the strawberries, even in mid-winter.)
-use bittersweet chocolate instead of milk chocolate
-add ½  cup crushed almonds
-add 2 tablespoons kirsch
-add 1 tablespoon  instant coffee powder (!!)
-add ¼  tsp. each ground cinnamon and ground cloves
-add mint flavoring

Chocolate Rum Fondue (serves 3-4)
6 ounces  Hershey’s Special Dark Chocolate
¼ cup light cream
1 tablespoon dark rum
Melt chocolate and cream in a fondue pot or in a microwave on medium power. 
Stir in rum and serve.

You can find the above recipe(s) by tapping here on the Home Cookin’ index.


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