Biggest distinction between  this carbonara and the more common version  is the use of  white wine, rather than heavy cream.  See, for example, John Paul’s Carbonara.


¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil
½ pound bacon (6 to 8 slices), slices halved length-wise, 
                    then cut crosswise into ¼-inch pieces
½ cup dry white wine
3 large eggs
¾ cup finely grated Parmesan (about 2 ounces)
¼ cup finely grated Pecorino Romano (about ¾ ounce)
3 small garlic cloves, pressed through garlic press or minced to paste
1 pound spaghetti
Salt* and freshly ground black pepper

1. Adjust oven rack to lower-middle position, set large heatproof serving bowl on rack, and heat oven to 200° F.   Bring 4 quarts water to rolling boil in large Dutch oven or stockpot; add 1 tablespoon common table salt to the water.
2. While water is heating, heat oil in large skillet over medium heat until shimmering, but not smoking. Add bacon and cook, stirring occasionally, until lightly browned and crisp, about 8 minutes. Add wine and simmer until alcohol aroma has cooked off and wine is slightly reduced, 6 to 8 minutes. Remove from heat and cover to keep warm. Beat eggs, cheeses, and garlic together with fork in small bowl; set aside.
3. When water comes to boil, add pasta; stir to separate pasta. Cook until al dente; reserve 1/3 cup pasta cooking water and drain pasta for about 5 seconds, leaving pasta slightly wet. Transfer drained pasta to warm serving bowl; if pasta is dry, add some reserved cooking water and toss to moisten. Immediately pour egg mixture over hot pasta, sprinkle with 1 teaspoon sea salt flakes or 3/4 teaspoon table salt; toss well to combine. Pour bacon mixture over pasta, season generously with black pepper, and toss well to combine. Serve immediately.

Yield:  Serves 4 to 6

*Add regular table salt to the pasta cooking water, but use sea salt flakes, if you can find them, to season the dish. Kosher salt, or freshly ground sea salt is another alternative to regular table salt.    When seasoning, use either 1 teaspoon sea salt flakes or 3/4 teaspoon table salt, they are not used in equal amounts.

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