Canlis Restaurant* is an outstanding, long-lived Seattle restaurant, where every table seems to have a “million-dollar-view” of the cityand environs.
Canlis Restaurant Salad
2 tomatoes
1 large head Romaine lettuce
½ cup chopped green onion(scallions)
½ cup well-done, chopped bacon
1 tablespoon chopped fresh oregano leaves, or 1 teaspoon dried
¾ cup freshly grated cheese
½ cup, or to taste, finely chopped fresh mint
½ teaspoon salt
½ cup croutons
1 coddled egg
1/3 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 cup olive oil
salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
Into a large wooden salad bowl, place cut tomatoes, cut in eighths, and Romaine lettuce,washed, crisped and torn into approximately one-inch-square pieces, chopped scallions,Romano cheese, bacon bits, oregano and mint.
To make Canlis’ special dressing: place salt, pepper, lemon juice and coddled egginto a bowl, whip vigorously. Then slowly add olive oil, whipping constantly. Pourdressing over salad and toss thoroughly.
Add croutons and a sprinkle of Romano cheese just prior to serving.
Yield: Serves 4 to 6.
This recipe has been kitchen tested by Anson’s good friend, fellow-Skidmore alum andfellow-cooking enthusiast, Jenn Csobaji, and “restaurant tested” by those of uswho are lucky enough to have eaten at Canlis Restaurant.
For more information, including directions to the restaurant posted on the web, contact:
Canlis Restaurant
2576 Aurora Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98109-2299
Tel.: (206) 283-3313
Fax: (206) 283-3313
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