tworecipes for homemade Bubbles

Secret ingredient — glycerin from a drug store….. Glycerin makes thebubbles last longer than usual but is costly.

Super bubble solution  

6 glasses of water

2 glasses clear dishwashing liquid detergent (Joy is best)

1-4 glasses glycerin (4 is best, but because of the cost of glycerin, you maywish to use less than four glasses).

Second, less expensive, and less super, recipe:

Recipe for bubble solution (in a gallon jug)

2 cups Joy dishwashing detergent

6 cups water

3/4 cup Karo light syrup

Combine, shake, let settle four hours (Bestresults, use only Joy and Karo)


This recipe has not been “kitchen” tested — better to test in the backyard orat the lake.


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