3 pints strawberries
3/4 cup sugar
¼ teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons cornstarch
2 teaspoons lemon juice
red food coloring

Have ready and cooled, a nine-inch baked pie shell.
Clean berries.
Line bottom of pie shell with the biggest berries.
Dice remaining berries and place in saucepan.
Combine sugar, salt and cornstarch. Stir into berries and cook over fairly high heat untilsauce becomes somewhat clear (sauce should come to a boil). Remove from heat, add lemonjuice and a few drops of coloring.
Cool.  Pour over berries that are in pie shell.
Serve with whipped cream.


Fill a baked pie shell with whole raspberries.

Glacé —

Cook *1 cup mashed raspberries with 1 cup sugar mixed with 4 tablespoons cornstarch andthe juice of 1 lemon.
Pour glacé over berries in pie shell.
Serve with whipped cream.

*Depending on the size of your pie plate, e.g. large, deeper 9-inch pie plate mayrequire two cups mashed berries and increasing other ingredients in the glace.



(Dorothy Corbett via NOK)

9 inch baked pie shell
6 cups fresh berries (about 1 ½ quarts)
1 cup sugar
3 tablespoons cornstarch

½ cup water
1 8-ouncepackage cream cheese

Mash enough berries to measure 1 cup.
Stir together sugar and cornstarch. Gradually stirin water and crushed berries. Cook overmedium heat,stirring constantly, until mixture thickens and boils.
Boil and stir one minute. Cool.
Beat cream cheese until smooth; spread on bottom of baked pie shell. Fill shell withremaining berries, pour cooked berry mixture over top. Chill at least 3 hours or untilset.
Serve plain or with whipped cream on top (with some sugar and vanilla added).



2 3-ounce packages cream cheese
1 9-inch baked pie shell1 quart fresh strawberries*
1 cup sugar
3 tablespoons cornstarch
1 cup whipping cream

Blend cream cheese with cream. Spread on bottom of cooled shell. Clean and hullberries. Place 1/2 whole in cheese. Put remaining 1/2 in blender. In saucepan, cook withsugar and cornstarch. Stir slowly for about 10 minutes after juice has boiled. Cool; pourover berries in shell. Chill and serve topped with whipped cream.

These recipes have been kitchen tested.

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