6-7 lb. leg of lamb, boned — with all fat removed


1 ½ cups oil
½ cup lemon juice
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon pepper
¼ teaspoon parsley
2 teaspoons oregano
6 bay leaves, crumbled
2 cups thinly sliced onions
6 cloves garlic, thinly sliced

Marinate at room temperature for 24 hours, turning every few hours. Just before cooking, remove meat from marinade; drain marinade and SAVE garlic and onions from marinade mixture.
Broil about 4 inches from heat for 20 minutes.
Turn meat, baste with marinade and broil 10 minutes.
Cover lamb with onion and garlic mix and broil another 5 minutes.

Serve with Avgolemono Sauce, below.


Avgolemono Sauce: (takes about 5 minutes)

Combine in saucepan–

     3 egg yolks
        1 tablespoon lemon juice
        1 teaspoon arrowroot
        1 teaspoon salt (may omit)

Beat lightly with a wire whisk then slowly add
           1 cup chicken stock
Stirring constantly, cook sauce over moderate heat until it begins to thicken.

DO NOT LET IT BOIL OR SAUCE WILL CURDLE! (There are remedies for curdled sauces e.g. adding ice water in small amounts and blending or “cuisinarting” the sauce; check your Joy of Cooking if you have a problem. The best approach with this, as with Hollandaise, is extreme caution and watchfulness for just a few minutes.)

Add 1 tablespoon chopped, fresh parsley just before serving.

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