at Home Cookin’ Index




Name of Drink Description
Café Brulot warm, citrus-flavored coffee flambé
Cardinal Punch
Cayman Mama rum, fruit punch, fruit garnish
Cotter’s Skyrocket rum, lemon juice cocktail
Dolphin Striker
Egg Nog à la Pirkey traditional eggnog, in big batches
Kir (Chablis Cassis) Chablis with a splash of crème de cassis
Party Punch White wine & grape spritzer, big batch
Sangria Chilled, dry red wine with fresh fruit
Wahine rum, pineapple juice, fruit punch in Trader Vic signature coconut
Whiskey Sour
Appetizers Anchovy Eggs
Rosy Radishes fresh radishes, parboiled, marinated
Jimmy Richmond’s Salsa

You can find the above recipe(s) by tapping here on the Home Cookin’ index.


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