Thoughts written following Aunt Kay’s passing — Katherine Shivers Hallock
This week I want to share a few memories of and recipes from a woman who was an influence on my life — Kay Hallock.
My Aunt Kay shared something with Stanley Klock, and many others a November 5th birthday. Kay Shivers Hallock celebrated her 95th birthday this last November. Probably made her mad! My special memories of her include a sharp mind and a capable physique, both of which had begun to fail her in recent years. Certainly, Aunt Kay did not go gently into that good night.
Aunt Kay and I shared something a bit more unique though certainly again something we share with many others we are both alumna of Wellesley College. But for the insistence of my Aunt Kay, I am sure I would have attended some other, albeit similar, liberal-arts institution. I can hear her imperious voice now regaling me with another chorus of: “. . .theres just something about a Wellesley woman!” Perhaps I was just curious enough to want to know what that “something” might be. So, off I went in 1962, thanks to a substantial scholarship. I have never regretted that decision. Though I still cannot put my finger on exactly what that “something” is, it definitely “is.”
Another impression is how able a hostess she was. Perhaps her immediate family has horror stories — what are those immediate families for, after all — but my thoughts were always how quickly she could “throw together” a good meal and make you feel she was glad you were there to share it.
So, in her memory, I have printed some recipes passed along to Peter and me; if anyone in her family has others they think would enhance the family cookbook, do send them along to me.
Double click on Scalloped Corn and Oyster Casserole to see that unusual dish. Just below are recipes for a wonderfully good coffee cake as well as a sponge cake. Both will make you think you have a helper in the kitchen. Easy and tasty.
The following is a quick, great brunch contribution:
Serve warm if possible.
1 cup sugar 1 egg
2 cups flour 1 teaspoon vanilla
2 teaspoons baking powder milk (see measure below) *
2 tablespoons melted butter Light brown sugar & chopped walnuts for topping
Preheat oven to 350° F.
Sift dry ingredients. Make hole in center.
*Put egg in a one-cup measuring cup and fill it with milk and melted butter. * Add to dry ingredients.
Put in layer-cake pan or 8″x8″ square pan. (You can double recipe and bake in a 13 by 9-inch pan. The only way my mother ever made it.)
Sprinkle generously with brown sugar and chopped walnuts.
Bake at 350° F. until done — approximately 45 minutes.
Serve directly from pan.
(Aunt Kay)
9 egg yolks
1 cup + 2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon lemon rind, grated
1 ¼ cup sifted flour
1 ¼ teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons water
Beat egg yolks until thick and lemon-colored, add lemon rind and sugar and beat until glossy.
Fold in half of the flour, then half the water, then fold in rest of flour and rest of the water.
Bake in 375° F. oven. in a tube pan.
(These are Aunt Kay’s instructions for baking a sponge cake. If you need a bit more specific sponge cake “guidance,” I suggest consulting the bible, i.e. The Joy of Cooking.
Save the whites — you can freeze them — useful in your next angel food cake or as a coating for heart-healthy no-fry fried chicken.)
You can find these and related recipes by tapping here on the Home Cookin’ index.
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