Thisrecipe uses a kitchen torch to caramelize the sugar topping. To see aphoto, click here on torch. To seeinstructions using a broiler rather than a torch click here on broiler)
Sweet,flavorful freestone peaches sliced over the top of creamy cheesecakes add bothfavor and texture. Other possible fruittoppings, depending on the season, are blueberries, strawberries or tartcherries.
If you are in the mood for cheesecake but have no seasonal fruit on hand, use a. crème brûlée topping. (See e.g. Clinkerdaggers Burnt Crèmeor Banana Crème Brûlée)
CrèmeFraîche Cheesecakes with Freestone Peaches
12ounces cream cheese
1cup graham cracker crumbs 8 ounces crème fraîche *4 tablespoons (½ stick) unsalted butter, melted and cooled ¾ cupsugar 2 eggs
6 canned freestone peach halves
plus ¼cup liquid from can (use fresh, ifpossible)
¼ cup heavy cream 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint leaves
Preheatoven to 325° F.
In the bowl of an electric mixer, combine cream cheese, crèmefraîche and ½ cup sugar;beat on medium speed until smooth. Add eggs, cream and vanilla; beat untilsmooth. In a mixing bowl, combine graham cracker crumbs, butter and theremaining ¼cup sugar; stir until blended and divide graham cracker mixtureamong four mini-springform pans.+
With the back of a spoon, spread mixturesmoothly onto the bottom of each pan and divide filling among pans. Bake untilfilling is set, 15-18 min. Cool to room temperature, then refrigerate at least 3hours.
With the tip of a knife, cut slices, about¼ ” apart, into 4 of thepeach halves, keeping the peach halves intact at one end. Arrange a peach halfover each mini-cheesecake, fanning the peach decoratively over the top.
In ablender, combine remaining 2 peach halves, peach liquid and mint, and processinto a fine puree. Serve sauce alongside cheese
Yield: 4 mini-cheesecakes or one full-size cheesecake.+
* If you cannot buy prepared crèmefraîche or prefer to make your own, click instructionsfor making crèmefraîche.
+ You can use a regular 6-8 cup capacityspringform pan rather than the four, 1 1/2-cup capacity min-springform pansspecified in the recipe.
(Above recipe was adapted from an ad formini-cheesecake pans and, of course, kitchen torches, in a catalog.)
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